What medication increases risk for C diff? The primary risk factor for C difficile colitis is previous exposure to antibiotics the most commonly implicated agents include the… coli, Salmonella, Shigella), and pseudomembranous enterocolitis (Clostridium difficile) associated with broad-spectrum antibiotics (see CONTRAINDICATIONS).

Is lomotil contraindicated with C diff? Lomotil is contraindicated in patients with diarrhea associated with organisms that penetrate the GI mucosa (toxigenic E. Intravenous hydration and bowel rest should be considered if clinically indicated. Can you take Antidiarrheals with C diff? Use of antidiarrheals (e.g., loperamide, Lomotil®) is contraindicated in all cases of pseudomembranous enterocolitis as this may exacerbate toxin-mediated disease and precipitate toxic megacolon. What is the difference between loperamide and lomotil? Lomotil and Imodium are both effective drugs to treat diarrhea.Some research has shown that there is no significant difference in effectiveness between the two.However, other studies have shown that Imodium is more effective and better tolerated.

They have little to do with knowledge or culture, or education, or even interests.

What are the 3 most commonly used test for intelligence? The most common types of IQ tests are:Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.Universal Nonverbal Intelligence.Differential Ability Scales.Peabody Individual Achievement Test.Wechsler Individual Achievement Test.Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.Woodcock Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Disabilities.What is an example of an aptitude? Aptitudes are natural talents, special abilities for doing, or learning to do, certain kinds of things easily and quickly. In essence, aptitudes are traits that help us accomplish tasks. Aptitudes can range from developed knowledge, learned or acquired abilities (otherwise known as skills), talents, or attitudes necessary to perform a task. Is aptitude a skill? Aptitude is the innate or acquired capacity for something. What are the topics in reasoning? List of Topics under the Logical Reasoning SectionAlphanumeric series.Reasoning Analogies.Artificial Language.Blood and items.